This is MY journey with MS! I give you my thoughts, feelings, hopes, and prayers. My wish that one day this disease will come to an end. That one day there will be a cure. For now, I hold on to possibility. I HOPE this will help and inspire not only myself but others.
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Talk About Frustrating!

I have spent most of the day today on the phone trying to find a Rheumatologist that accepts my insurance. Talk about frustrating! In the WHOLE State of Washington there are a whole 2 Rheumatology offices who accept my insurance....both of which are in Seattle. That is not a big problem as I already go go Seattle to see my GI and Neurologist, so I hopefully can arrange appointments to all happen on the same day! :) The frustrating part is that out of ALL the Rheumatologists in the state only 2 offices accept the insurance. This is ridiculous if you ask me.

There were a few offices that were so picky about what insurance they would take that it was just the so called "best of the best" insurance coverages. What are patients supposed to do when there are not any specialists that will accept their insurance? Do they think we can just afford to go see them anyway and pay cash? I am amazed by this. It used to be that doctors would see patients because they were sick, they were there for the science of it and helping people, not because of $$$. Granted, I know some of these insurance companies don't pay very well (the allowables vs. write offs) and they don't have an easy job, but come on....these are people's lives we are talking about! When it gets to this point, someone should do something.

I used to work in medicine and it used to be that the specialists HAD to take the insurances if they were the ONLY one in the area. What happened to that? GREED! That is what I think. I understand they can't just see people for free....and that is a whole other situation. If someone comes in and can't pay and doesn't have insurance, then I can understand them being skeptical about taking that patient (they should still refer them to the hospital to be seen), after all.....they do have a business to run, but come on....if someone HAS insurance and you still are not willing to see them because their insurance does not pay enough money....that is when that doctor needs to take a step back and think about the kind of doctor and person they have become. I have always stuck up for doctors as I have great respect for most of them and understand it IS NOT an easy job. I have seen that first hand, but this really saddens me to think that in the WHOLE a specialty they have made the choice to not take some patients who have a need (all over a few extra dollars). Thank goodness I am just in pain (still trying to figure out why) and have Osteopenia.....what a nightmare it must be for a Lupus patient with my insurance (seeing how that IS serious). It's all about the money.....SAD!


mdmhvonpa said...

What kind of insurance do you have!? Martian Alliance Solar Coverage, LLC? That is really unnacceptable.

Jaime said...

This IS the sad insurance is not all that uncommon. I am on a low-income insurance (now that I had to go on SSDI) through the state while I await my Medicare 2 year waiting period to pass. I even pay over $3000/year deductible to have this insurance and still can't get the doctors I need...what is that all about? My guess is a good 1/4 of the state (maybe more) is on some form of this type of insurance. It amazes me these doctors can be SO picky all for money. Boy, how the medical field has changed! (of course, not all doc are this way...and I know this...most are WONDERFUL!)

Matt said...

i have no idea why they wouldn't take it. if your insurance covers it, than why shouldn't they just take the fuggin money and do their suff?

(and why does the title fro your blog say "My MS Journal -"

Anonymous said...

Oh wow, don't even get me started on the medical system in place in this country!!! I'm not saying the socialist/national medical care system in England or Canada is any better but at least everyone can get care if they need it. Yargh!!

Before taking my most current job I was on the state's insurance pool (because no one would cover me b/c I'd had Optic Neuritis) and I paid $250 smackers a month so that they wouldn't pay for much, if anything. Grr... it's just SO. WRONG. the way things work.

I feel yer pain! Good luck finding someone who'll work!

Jaime said...

Hey Matt!
You would think they would just be glad to get paid and that they would be in the business to help people..that should be the reason to be a doctor (and for the science).

The reason it show is because I have added a news (health) feed to my blog. It rotates between Yahoo, CNN, and the BBC so that everything is covered healthwise...although I have noticed that there are times I get world and other news. It's all good though! :)

I hope you are doing good. Take care of yourself and try to stay cool. I hear its HOT in your area.


Jaime said...

Hi Zee~
If you split my bi-yearly deductible into monthly payments (unfortunately I have to pay up front to get any kind of coverage) it would equal about $250/month. It sucks to have to pay that kind of money for the horrible coverage provided...but what do you do? Some coverage is better than none!

After meeting so many people in the UK and Canada and speaking to them about their coverage and the benefits they get for MS I am starting to think a move is in order, lol. Of course that is not the answer but I find it interesting how we are fed information about how our health care system is SO good when we have people who can't get coverage and other countries (i.e. the UK and Canada) take care of their people (they may have a bit of a wait, but they get the help they need and for little to no cost). Personally I don't think any system is perfect but there should be a better way than this.

I'll tell you what...this is one of the things I miss about working. I had GREAT coverage! There are many things I miss about working actually (having something to do everyday, a purpose if you will, not to mention the income)...we really need better treatments and a cure! :)

I am sure I will find someone soon. There are two docs in Seattle and I was told I can always go to Portland if I don't find someone here in that is an option. Just like everything else, it is all just going to take some time.

I hope you are doing well and you are getting all settled into your new place. Take care and don't over do yourself.


Christina K Brown said...

I am seriously considering switching docotors....after a little made on my last visit.

"Ms doesn't cause cognative problems, stress does."

Um, excuse me but even I know better than and I didn't go to medical school I can just read.

It just worries me to have a doctor in a different city if I get sick.

Jaime said...


I sent you an email! Cognative function problems is listed as a symptom of MS not sure what she is thinking, but then again, as you know I no longer see her for my there you go! :) I know there can be anxiety associated with having to travel out of town to see a doctor (but I can assure is SO worth it to have one that you feel comfortable with). I wish you the very best and if you need anything, please don't hesitate to ask...after all, I am just a few minutes away! Take care.


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I was diagnosed with MS in 2004, have been through all of the FDA approved treatments I qualify for and now am participating in the HALT MS Study. This is my life with MS (among other things).

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