This is MY journey with MS! I give you my thoughts, feelings, hopes, and prayers. My wish that one day this disease will come to an end. That one day there will be a cure. For now, I hold on to possibility. I HOPE this will help and inspire not only myself but others.
Happy April Fools Day!
Traditionally on April Fools Day people play jokes on each other...I wish my recovery was a joke and tomorrow I would wake up and be okay. This recovery is taking what feels like FOREVER! For a while there it seemed like every day I was getting a little bit better. I am not so sure now. My talking is better and I am not crying much anymore. I am still very wobbly though, still having a hard time walking. I have not been doing a whole lot because I am not currently driving and I get tired really easy. Some of which I am thinking actually has to do with my bed.
Last weekend I stayed at my parents house because I had my follow-up spinal tap last Friday. I have had bad reactions to these before and so this was to be on the safe side. Justin had to work and my son went to Spokane to hang out with my cousin for the weekend. If I had a reaction and was alone that would not be good. Fortunately I had no reactions, hardly even a headache. The spinal tap of course hurt but it didn't last long and the best news....the Meningitis is GONE! Now if the MS flare would just go away. Anyway, while I was there I slept on the bed in my Grandma's old room, on a new bed and I actually had some energy Saturday. I did much better that day actually. I stayed both Saturday and Sunday and although I was tired Sunday I still didn't do too bad. I have been SO tired since back in my own bed. I'm thinking maybe it's time to get a new bed. :) I was supposed to have a repeat MRI on Tuesday but the orders did not mention any sedation so they are rescheduling it. Hopefully by time they get me in my MS flare will be that much better.
This week was pretty uneventful. I got my first hair cut since the transplant on Monday. My Mom was getting her hair done and so I went with her. There was not a lot to take off, I don't have a lot of hair, so it was more to shape it up. The back is growing much faster than the top! Tomorrow I have a follow-up with my Oncologist and then we are doing Easter dinner at my parents on Saturday. My Grandma is a double-amputee and has to take the Dial-a-Ride bus. They don't work on Sunday's so we decided to do dinner on Saturday so she could go. We will probably not do much on Sunday, watch General Conference and relax.
I hope that you are all doing well and have a great Easter! Take care. :)
All personal text & images are protected under copyright law. 2006-2009
About Me

- Jaime
- I was diagnosed with MS in 2004, have been through all of the FDA approved treatments I qualify for and now am participating in the HALT MS Study. This is my life with MS (among other things).
MS Advocacy
MS Bloggers
MS Donations
MS Links
- Accelerated Cure Project for MS
- Allison Shaddy: MS & Your Feelings!
- Consortium of MS Centers
- Cure MS Now Research Fund
- Face of MS
- Heuga Center
- International MS Support Foundation
- Maureen Manley: Spirit in Motion
- Montel Williams MS Foundation
- MS Active Source
- MS Association of America
- MS Complementary & Alternative Medicine
- MS Foundation
- MS International Federation
- MSplus Foundation
- MS Watch
- National MS Society
- Race to Erase MS
- Rocky Mountain MS Center
- Top 10 Sources (I'm #3)

You too!
Yes, you too happy April fool day!
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