This is MY journey with MS! I give you my thoughts, feelings, hopes, and prayers. My wish that one day this disease will come to an end. That one day there will be a cure. For now, I hold on to possibility. I HOPE this will help and inspire not only myself but others.
A Little Better......
What a week this has been! I am doing a little labs look better so I am happy about that. I went in yesterday for a special lab that will take about a week to get the results on but the doctor's think they may know why I keep getting Meningitis. They think it is a medication related Meningitis (caused by the generic Bactrim I am on from the transplant). It is a REALLY RARE side effect but it has been known to happen so I have been taken off of that. The thing is the Bactrim is used to prevent a type of pneumonia that can happen post-transplant and so they did the blood test to see what antibiotic they can give me to prevent this type of pneumonia. I should get the results next week and hopefully get on a different antibiotic, which will not only prevent the pneumonia but help so I NO LONGER get Meningitis. I NEVER want that again!
Last week I fell twice because my legs are not working real well. I am weak in the legs and having to use my walker to get around. Anyway, after an x-ray it looks like I fractured my foot so I am doing my best to stay off of it. Not something that is really hard seeing how I'm not walking really well anyway. Saturday was actually a really good day, I felt better, had some was good. Sunday was okay. Monday I was really tired and I am today as well.
It is Wednesday and so far this week has sucked though. My mom is not doing really well. She somehow injured her back and is having a hard time walking herself. My Great-Uncle passed away this week, my Dad has an ulcer on his foot so he needs to stay off of it as much as possible and I found out last night my best friend has a Brain Tumor. They think it's benign but she will need to have surgery to have it removed. They will have more information once she sees the Neurosurgeon next week. I'm keeping my fingers crossed and her in my prayers.
This week has really been a reminder that we all go through things and somehow it all works out, even if at that moment it doesn't feel that way. I hope you are doing well. Take care!
All personal text & images are protected under copyright law. 2006-2009
About Me

- Jaime
- I was diagnosed with MS in 2004, have been through all of the FDA approved treatments I qualify for and now am participating in the HALT MS Study. This is my life with MS (among other things).
MS Advocacy
MS Bloggers
MS Donations
MS Links
- Accelerated Cure Project for MS
- Allison Shaddy: MS & Your Feelings!
- Consortium of MS Centers
- Cure MS Now Research Fund
- Face of MS
- Heuga Center
- International MS Support Foundation
- Maureen Manley: Spirit in Motion
- Montel Williams MS Foundation
- MS Active Source
- MS Association of America
- MS Complementary & Alternative Medicine
- MS Foundation
- MS International Federation
- MSplus Foundation
- MS Watch
- National MS Society
- Race to Erase MS
- Rocky Mountain MS Center
- Top 10 Sources (I'm #3)

Please could you go and visit The Wheel of Fortuna and leave a supportive message for Steve.
His partner BobRobert is in the local hospice and is not expected to live much longer.
It is not so long since his diagnosis which makes it all even more sad.
Thanks for your support.
Oh Jaime, I have not been blogging for such a long time. That space called facebook has preoccupied me. It has some good points, as in instant feedback, but it is not a journal.
You are such a strong spirit. Inspirational to all of us. I am sending all the good energy that I can your way. May the stem cell transplant give you freedom from this disorder. You SO deserve that.
Love and big hugs,
Mary Mouse
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