This is MY journey with MS! I give you my thoughts, feelings, hopes, and prayers. My wish that one day this disease will come to an end. That one day there will be a cure. For now, I hold on to possibility. I HOPE this will help and inspire not only myself but others.
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Some Good News!

Jun 13

What a great way to wake up! I got a call this morning from Jawoda at Biogen's research group notifying me that the Patient Access Network Foundation received some donations over the weekend towards the MS fund. I called right away and sure enough....they are resuming the application processing! Hopefully this means that my application will go through and soon enough I will have insurance coverage again. I can always hope! :) I was also notified that there is a good possibility they have found a way to get my Avonex covered for the next few doses (maybe a month) until we know more about what happens with my insurance.

It always amazes me how things just seem to work out! I know there are not any guarantees, but at least I know that there is some hope now! I started to loose hope that everything would work out and I was starting to get discouraged....I can't do that, I have to continue to fight!

I have posted links off to the side for people to click and donate (if you are able)! These foundations are so important. They do such wonderful work in many different areas with regard to MS (and some of them help with other illnesses too). You will notice under Donate/Support for MS I only have 2 foundations listed. These are the two foundations that provide financial assistance to MS patients who need assistance in a variety of ways....(with rx help, doctors bills, underinsured, financial help, etc). I also asked to please donate to one of the other charities listed below if possible (under MS Links). These foundations are a bit different. They may or may not help with financial assistance (for example the NMSS does help with financial and also areas like fitness scholarships, etc.) but they also accept donations that go directly towards research and finding a cure! This too is a very important and necessary area to donate your money too. Ultimately the goal is to find a cure! Please remember that anything you can do will help out, even a small donation is appreciated. :) Every cent counts! Thank you.

  • Phase II study out of Canada shows positive results in delaying disease progression for five years in progressive MS patients!
  • Could Vitamin D really be a wonder pill? Research is suggesting that getting more of this pill may help many illnesses...including MS? More research needs to be done, it should be interesting to see all of the results! Have a read.

    All personal text & images are protected under copyright law. 2006-2009

    Support MS Research. Visit a MS Foundation NOW! Every $ counts! Volunteers are always needed as well. Raise awareness by educating others! Thanks for visiting

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    I was diagnosed with MS in 2004, have been through all of the FDA approved treatments I qualify for and now am participating in the HALT MS Study. This is my life with MS (among other things).

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